Does a Deferred Ticket affect your Insurance

Does a Deferred Ticket affect your Insurance

Speeding tickets can add to the cost of your insurance. Speeding tickets are considered part of your driving record. Insurance companies can review your driving record and can use this information to help determine your risk of being in an accident or making an insurance claim. The perception that you are at higher risk of an accident due to traffic violations on your driving record can affect the cost of your insurance.

The more traffic violations you have, the greater the possibility of seeing an increase in the cost of your insurance. Drivers who receive speeding tickets can be considered a higher risk group and therefore may be charged more for their auto insurance even if they haven't made an insurance claim themselves.

Bottom line: Deferred tickets can affect the cost of your auto insurance. Insurers may review driving records and may view drivers with speeding tickets as a higher risk when insuring them. That can increase premiums for drivers, even if they haven't made a claim. A good way to enjoy low premiums is to drive carefully and responsibly while staying safe on the roads.

Keep reading: Can speeding tickets be dismissed?

If you have any questions or need help with your Traffic Ticket, DUI, DWI, Criminal Case, Auto Accident or any other related questions, just give us a call at 425-278-9922 or email us at

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